Secrets to growing long hair

Some find it easy to grow long hair. But, for other, longer hair growth doesn’t come naturally. You might be experiencing some hair loss. Or you may have got a super short hair cut, but your hair doesn’t seem to grow. Well, the good news is it’s possible to grow long hair. All you need are three secrets, as below.

  • Fuel your body with vitamins

You can get the most vitamins and minerals through a balanced diet. But many people out there don’t have a nutritious diet. In that case, you can take supplements to make hair grow. Kerotin offers you trusted and tested products that ensure complete nourishment to your hair.

  • Massage your scalp

Massaging your scalp will stimulate more blood flow to your hair roots. It strengthens your hair follicles and boosts hair growth. You can get more benefits when you massage with a hair scalp massager and natural oil. A massage of 4 to 5 minutes is enough to revitalize your hair follicles and encourage hair growth.

  • Take preventive measures for hair breakage 

You should be using a microfiber towel to dry your hair. It’s gentle on your hair as compared to cotton one. Similarly, use a silk pillowcase while sleeping. Kerotin offers you a complete hair growth kit; you may use that as well. It contains hair growth pills, scalp massager and essential oils.

To finish off, the first secret to getting long hair is fueling the right nutrients to your body. Secondly, scalp stimulation ensures stronger and healthier hair. Lastly, follow preventive measures to avoid hair breakage.