Do routine dental care procedures like eating, drinking, and brushing cause pain? If this is the case, you may have questioned how you may assist treat sensitive teeth to make them less uncomfortable.

Numerous issues might lead to sensitive teeth. Thankfully, there are practical methods for reducing tooth sensitivity. Some of these remedies are simple to apply at home.

Dental pain can also result from other conditions, including cavities, worn-out fillings, and gum disease. Consult Dexter dental office if you suffer from sensitive teeth.

Toothpaste with desensitizing agents

To protect nerve endings from irritation, desensitizing toothpaste has compounds that block irritants from entering the mouth. Potassium nitrate, a substance that prevents pain signals from reaching your brain from a nerve in your tooth, is the most active component.

Your sensitivity will decline after a few applications. Additionally, dentists advise using fluoride- or low-acid mouthwashes and soft-bristle toothbrushes.

A saltwater rinse

Inflammation can be reduced with the use of salt, which also functions as an excellent antibacterial. Gargle twice a day with a saltwater rinse to minimize the discomfort caused by sensitive teeth. Use a saltwater rinse as follows:

  • A glass of lukewarm water should have between 1/2 and 3/4 tsp of salt added to it.
  • Spend up to 30 seconds gargling with the mixture.
  • Hydrogen peroxide

It has mild antiseptic and disinfecting properties, like hydrogen peroxide. Cuts, burns, and other wounds are frequently treated with it to help sterilize them and stop infection. For gum healing and inflammation prevention, peroxide can also be used as a mouthwash. Utilizing hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash

  • Combine equal parts warm water and two caps of hydrogen peroxide at 3%.
  • Spend up to 30 seconds gargling with the mixture and gargle out. 
  • After using hydrogen peroxide, rinse your mouth with water to eliminate any leftovers.

Gum graft surgery

The gum tissue on the area where your tooth root has lost gum tissue can be replaced by a small piece of gum tissue taken from another area of your mouth. This may shield exposed roots and lessen the irritation.

Root canal 

Your dentist may suggest a root canal to treat issues in the soft core of the tooth if your sensitive teeth are causing you a lot of discomfort and other treatments are ineffective (dental pulp). Although this may seem like a big therapy, it is thought to be the best method for reducing tooth sensitivity.