Top Questions About TransPRK Surgery in Singapore

For those myopic, have you ever imagined life without glasses or contact lenses, but good quality vision? If it seems like all your life you have only dreamed of experiencing a life without glasses or contact lenses, perhaps this article is the right one to read. There are alternatives to improving your vision quality and correcting them so you can be free of glasses and contact lenses. These alternatives are called eye refractive surgeries. There are different types of vision correction surgeries which can make you gets confused, for example, should you choose LASIK or TransPRK but the one we will be focusing on in this article would beTransPRK.

TransPRK is a type of eye refractive surgery that uses a no flap and no blade approach. It is sometimes known as a type of Advanced Surface Ablation (ASA) surgery. TransPRK stands for transepithelial photorefractive keratectomy. This surgery is suitable for all three types of common prescription, which are nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. However, TransPRK cannot treat prescriptions that are too extreme.

You will have to consult your surgeon to know whether TransPRK will be the best alternative for you if you are looking for a vision correction surgery. However, as you consult your doctor, you can also read this article for additional knowledge about TransPRK. Keep reading and we hope you can learn some new things that will help you prepare for your TransPRK!

Is there maximum degree that TransPRK can correct?

For nearsightedness, the maximum degree that TransPRK can correct is around 1200 degrees. So if you have a high degree of nearsightedness above 1200, your eye surgeon would recommend another alternative aside from TransPRK such as ICL. For farsightedness, the maximum degree is around 400, while for astigmatism, the limit would be at around 300. However, the amount of degree TransPRK can correct will depend on several factors such as the condition of your eyes and the thickness of your cornea. For example, patient with thinner cornea and high myopia degree might not be able to go for full correction.

Does TransPRK hurt?

No, it doesn’t hurt. It might seem scary to think about staying awake with laser performing an operation on your eyes. However, you will get anaesthesia first before doing anything. This will ensure first and foremost that you won’t feel any pain at all. This anaesthesia will be given in a form of numbing eye drop that is medically approved and totally safe for your eyes.

After surgery, you will feel some pain during your recovery process. There will be some discomfort because even though TransPRK is actually a “no touch” surgery, but your cornea still need time to heal after the procedure. Don’t worry about this because there will be many ways that you can manage the pain. You can ask your eye surgeon for further tips and tricks that can help make your recovery process more comfortable.

I have done LASIK surgery before, can I undergo TransPRK surgery?

This depends on your eye condition after LASIK surgery, some patients who had undergone LASIK are able to do TransPRK surgery. TransPRK is well known as one of the best alternatives for a follow up eye refractive surgery, such as LASIK. Considering that TransPRK is a no flap approach and surface based. Don’t forget that it is important to check whether your corneas are thick enough to have the procedure done safely. Consult your eye surgeon before making any decisions.