Some interesting information about breast augmentation

As of today, breast augmentations have become one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries among women. With that said, we intend to explain some little-known aspects of breast augmentation Miami procedure for your reference.

  • Breast augmentations can be performed with two different techniques

Did you know that breast implants can be done either above or below the muscles? Subglandular and submuscular are the different techniques used during the process. Subglandular placement is the technique that places the implant above the pectoral muscle and under the breast tissue. Submuscular is the technique that places the implant below the muscle and provides it an additional coverage. The type of the technique used can vary depending on causes like the type of physical activities you get involved in, the size of the body etc.

  • Silicone implants cost more compared to saline implants

There is a significant difference between the price of silicone and saline implants. That means silicone implants are expensive than saline implants. In addition to that, the amount of silicone used during the treatment will be a decisive factor in determining the price. However, the type of implant you require should be decided by the surgeon, not the price.

  • The incision’s size will depend on the type of implant

The incisions used during saline implants are pretty small compared to the silicone implants. The incisions made during saline implants tend to heal quicker and easier because of the small size. This is why many women want to go for saline implants. However, both these types have own advantages.

  • Even with the implants, the breasts can change their shape

Even if you undergo a breast augmentation, the shape of it can change over time due to various reasons. For instance, they can change due to aging, pregnancy, dramatic weight changes, etc. However, they can be corrected again with the use of another augmentation procedure in a timely manner.

  • Breast augmentations look really natural

Although some individuals assume that a breast augmentation Miamican result in artificial-looking appearance, the truth is different. That means, modern-day breast augmentations appear very natural and one cannot identify the differences between them.

Make sure that your breast augmentation surgery is carried out by a professional and qualified surgeon who is willing to answer your questions openly.