How to Play it Safe with Your Partner to Avoid STD

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDS) are common in America, with about one million new cases reported every year. However, there are several ways to reduce your risks of contracting the complications. The Upper West Side STD testing specialists recommend that everyone get tested regularly as far as they are sexually active. But since the complications are transferred from one person to another, your partner or partners plays a crucial role in you staying STD-free. But there are several strategies you can take to ensure you are careful about your sexual partners. Have a look.


The best way to avoid STDs is not to engage in sexual activity. Most of the complications are only transmittable through sex, meaning no sex, no chances of contracting the infections. This involves avoiding all sexual behaviors like oral sex, anal sex, and vaginal sex. However, you might not have to abstain for the rest of your life. Therefore, it is still good to educate yourself about practicing safe sex. Only abstain when necessary, like when your partner is asymptomatic.

Consider Sticking to one Partner.

Having multiple partners increases your chances of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. That means you stick to one partner, but your partner also remains with only one partner. Remember that having sex with a monogamous partner is like having sex with all those involved. Therefore, it is better to choose monogamy when you want to avoid STDs. Also, ensure that you and your partner are tested before sexual activity. Remember that your risks of STDs will remain low when neither of you is infected, and you both remain in monogamy.

Only Have Sex with Tested Partners

If monogamy does not work for you, you can still protect yourself by avoiding infected partners. The best way to know if your sex partner is not infected is through testing. Therefore, make sure you request a test before engaging in sexual activity with anyone, especially new partners. The good thing is that most STDs are treatable. Therefore, all you do when a partner tests positive for a condition is to refrain from sexual activity until the doctor confirms that it is safe. When your partner tells you they have been tested, it is not good to trust their words for it. Ask for results and consider which of the STDs they have been tested for.

Always Ask Your Sexual Partners About Their Sexual Health

Communication is a key pillar in protection against STDs. Therefore, as you talk about other aspects of life with your partner (s), it is vital to talk about sexual health, including their history. Ensure you are open to your partner (s) and ensure they reflect it. Always keep off those people who fail to communicate back or are offended when you bring about a sexual health discussion. Remember that safe health involves the active consent of all parties involved.

Be Fully Aware Always

Making the right decisions is important for STD protection. But when you are drunk or high on drugs, you might not make the right decisions increasing the risks of unprotected sex. Make sure you are sober enough any time you practice a sexual activity to improve your inhibition and ensure you make wise choices.

If you think you have been exposed to STDs, reach out to Karen F. Brodman, MD, PLLC, for testing. Your provider will also help you learn better ways to minimize your risks of complications. You can book your appointment using the online tool.