The Benefits of Occupational Medicine

Occupational medicine can benefit an employee and employer at the same time. Suppose you want to test your performance and eligibility for employment or ensure your employees are in good shape. In that case, you can contact an experienced physician like Dr. Andrew Chow for occupational medicine services.

What is occupational medicine?

Occupational medicine is a branch of medicine that ensures the welfare of both employer and employee in the case of a work-related injury. It involves the diagnosis, clinical care, management, and prevention of work-related illnesses.

What does it entail?

Occupational medicine involves checking an employee’s health and suitability in their field. A specialist will check and examine you to ensure you are capable of performing at work. The following are processes that the branch of medicine involves.

Pre-employment physicals

Before you are employed, your employer would like to know you can work comfortably and safely. This will minimize accidents or injuries at work.

Department of Transportation (DOT) physicals

If you are a driver, an employer would have peace of mind when they know you are a quick thinker and will be alert on the road. The assessment is suitable if you are expected to cover long distances.

Employee drug testing

Employers might request routine drug testing or a test once before you join the workforce. Your employer needs the assurance that you are capable of performing without distractions.

Workers’ compensation evaluations

Your employer might need to keep some money aside just in case an accident happens. You can access the funds if and when you suffer an injury.

Benefits to the employee

As an employee, you can experience numerous benefits from occupational medicine. Although you will be meeting your employer’s needs for your evaluation, you will also receive an extensive health evaluation.

The assessment will help you detect and diagnose any condition that you might have. The physical examination will pave the way for management and treatment so you can conduct your duties.

If you suffer an injury at work, you can access treatment without any cost. Since you will not be paying for any treatment, you will not spend your money on treatment that you would have otherwise spent if it wasn’t for occupational medicine.

Benefits to the employer

The employer receives the following benefits:

Employee drug testing

As an employer, you need your employees sober and ready to work. Drug testing helps detect and identify any illicit drugs in the system of your employees. You can ask for initial drug testing for new employees or routine drug testing.

Company reputation protection

When you involve occupational medicine specialists in your company, they will create and recommend ways in which you can reduce accidents at work. Doing so protects your employees and your company in case of any work-related injuries.

If you want to drug test your employees or conduct a pre-employment physical, visit Triad Primary Care for occupational medicine services. You will meet qualified and professional staff ready to meet your needs. Call or book an appointment online today.