Making a Career of Instructing Others on Exercise and Nutrition

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have reported that over one-third of US adults or 35.7% can be classified as obese. Obesity starts by eating more calories than you burn with exercise or other activities. The problem with obesity is that it is the starting place for many serious and life-threatening diseases such as:

  • Cardiac problems
  • Strokes
  • Diabetes

To reduce body weight involves being coached or trained in nutrition (how to eat better) and fitness (through exercise). This has resulted in the Department of Labor estimates that fitness careers have grown by 24% and will continue to grow. 

Learn to teach group fitness

If you are looking for a career that involves helping others, teaching group fitness or nutrition might be a path for you. If you find the energy of a group exercise class enjoyable, you could be becoming a group exercise instructor. It might take some time to have a clear idea of being a group instructor for exercise or nutrition is a good path for you.

Group personal training classes

You might have found this interest in training by having been in group classes yourself at your local gym or school. Perhaps you have had a problem with weight and have worked to change that. You might be good at helping others make those changes also. It is different from one-on-one training as it is personal but inside the energy of a group, which sometimes makes this entire problem of training easier for an obese person to do.

How to become a fitness instructor

By having been in a group and better yourself perhaps you have thought that you would make a good instructor, but where do you start? You start by earning a group exercise certification either an ISSA group exercise certification or the ACE group exercise certification. You can check their websites for further information on what is involved and how to earn their certifications.

Turning a passion for fitness into a career

These careers are a way to turn a passion for fitness into a way to not just make extra money but also to help others in their problems with weight and fitness. You might find that you not only like teaching groups but you might also be able to be a one-on-one coach for those needing that type of help. It is up to you to build the career path that is best for you.