Learn The Benefits of Quitting Alcohol at Our Houston Rehab

Mental health improvements

In our society, drinking alcohol is a fun way to cope with stress or anxiety. At first, you may feel more at ease, but with time, you may develop tolerance. Because of this, more alcohol is needed to provide the same benefits. Long-term mental health concerns such as depression and anxiety may cause many individuals to turn to alcohol to cope. The use of alcohol interferes with the treatment of a wide range of health conditions, making it more difficult to manage their symptoms.

People’s mental health improves when they quit drinking, particularly women. It is easier to develop good coping methods for life’s challenges after you have given up drinking since you can look back on your drinking history more objectively. After stopping alcohol, you may find that you have more patience and self-control and that you may be better able to cope with problems in your family or with your mental health.

A more powerful immunity system

Infectious diseases like d pneumonia and tuberculosis are more common in those who drink heavily. For up to 24 hours, the body is exposed to infection after a single drinking session.

Reducing insomnia

Drinking a glass of wine or a beer before going to bed may seem like a good idea. After all, it is well-known that alcohol induces sleepiness. A few hours after initially feeling sleepy, those who drink alcohol are wide awake and alert, according to the Sleep Foundation. Reduced REM sleep, the longest and healthiest period of sleep, is caused by drinking alcohol. Sleep deprivation might cause fatigue the following day. A lack of enough sleep could lead to a number of physical and mental health issues for heavy drinkers who use it often. Better sleep may be one of the first advantages you notice when quitting drinking.


Weight-loss is also a benefit. However, there is some truth to the term “beer belly,” which is often used as a joke. The weight loss process will be slowed down because of the increased calories that will be burned off first. Alcohol use has been connected to malnutrition because of the absence of nutrients in regular drinkers.

You may see a difference in your weight soon after you quit drinking since you aren’t ingesting the calories in alcohol and the fatty foods connected with drinking. Eliminating alcohol from your diet helps hasten weight loss since alcohol lowers your metabolism.

Improved emotional well-being

Alcohol abusehas a variety of negative consequences on our cognitive abilities. Neurons and neurotransmitters govern all of our bodily functions, including thinking, breathing, talking, and moving. Alcohol slows down this transmission. The prefrontal cortex, the brain part that handles memory, is also damaged as a result. This damage may lead to depression, insomnia, mood swings, and more drinking, among other things.

Some parts of the brain may heal themselves when a person quits drinking alcohol, but there is no known cure for alcohol-related brain damage. When we drink or take drugs, our brains produce the neurotransmitter dopamine, which gives us a pleasurable feeling. As a consequence, many of us associate alcohol with good times. Dopamine levels in the brain drop after you quit drinking, which might result in greater alcohol cravings.

Taylor Recovery Is Your Most Effective Solution

You may enjoy the little things in life, develop family ties, improve professional relationships, and pursue a wide range of activities if you learn to limit your drinking. Call Taylor Recovery Center today to speak with an expert at our Houston-based drug and alcohol rehab center about your treatment options!