When you’re trying to have a baby, it’s tempting to do all you can to improve your chances. These procedures and treatments may have specific importance for each individual, ranging from routine temperature checks to bringing along a rose quartz crystal “just in case.” The practice of fertility massage is among these procedures. The advantages of fertility massage, according to proponents, include increasing blood circulation to the reproductive organs and reducing stress, with some claiming the treatment may make a significant impact when attempting to conceive.
What Is Fertility Massage?
Fertility massage is a kind of massage that some people think might help them become pregnant. While it may seem to be a new fad, fertility massage has been done since prehistoric days, long before modern healthcare. Massage therapy has been documented as a curative treatment for various diseases and conditions since 3000 BC. A fertility massage is currently defined as a mix of reflexology and deep tissue massage. Deep tissue massage is very calming and beneficial to circulation. It’s said to offer fertility-boosting properties when conducted around the abdomen, such as stimulating blood circulation to the reproductive organs and even breaking down scar tissue. Reflexology, on the other hand, concentrates on acupressure points on the ankles and feet, which are supposed to assist the release of trapped energy and reduce tension when stroked. It is a traditional Chinese medicine-based technique of manual treatment that may be used in combination with acupuncture. Some think that the outer and inner ankles resemble the uterus, ovaries, and reproductive organs and that these regions are targeted as important pressure points throughout a fertility massage.
Should I Try Fertility Massage?
While there are various claimed advantages to fertility massage, among the most well-studied is its effect on stress levels.
Many couples are stressed by the particular emotional and physical toll of trying to get pregnant, whether spontaneously or via reproductive therapy. It may also seem like a vicious circle at times, with several cortisol triggers. It’s been shown that having high amounts of cortisol, the stress chemical, in the body makes it much harder to conceive. According to one research, women with greater stress levels (as indicated by higher stress levels enzyme alpha-amylase in their saliva) required 29 percent longer to conceive than women with lower stress enzymes. Cortisol was shown to have a detrimental influence on oocyte (egg) quality and even result in less eggs being obtained during egg collection in another investigation.
In any event, if you decide to attempt fertility massage, you should have clear expectations. Reproductive massage is unlikely to help you reach your objective if there’s an underlying condition causing your fertility troubles. Massage is a potent and commonly used therapy for reducing stress and improving mood, but it is not a medical solution for treating a reproductive problem. It’s essential to get expert advice if you have a proven medical problem that’s impacting your fertility, like ovulation disorders like PCOS (polycystic ovaries), or damage to the fallopian tubes or uterus.
What Physical Advantages Can Fertility Massage Provide?
Improved blood circulation and flow are among the most well-known advantages of frequent massage treatment. In terms of fertility, it may assist to enhance hormonal balance by boosting blood flow to regions that transport hormones, which can considerably increase the odds of conceiving. Fertility massage may also assist to relieve congestion, like stagnant blood or tissue, and cleanse the body of excess estrogen.
Scar tissue or adhesion from previous surgical treatment, pelvic difficulties, or caesarean sections may have left their mark. Regular abdominal massage may assist in the breakdown of these adhesions while also boosting circulation to the abdominal cavity. Improved circulation and higher blood flow aid in a better supply of oxygen the blood supply, which is vital for improving fertility. This results in a healthier body overall, from our fingertips to those critical reproductive organs.
If you’ve been trying to conceive for a year or longer (or six months if you are over 35), you should see a fertility expert make sure there aren’t any underlying problems.