Ensure safe, clean and healthy water with right spa chemicals


Hot tub is a place where you can spend quality time with your friends and family. After the daylong busy schedule soaking in the warm, fresh and clean water of hot tub can refresh your body and mind. A fully functional and clean hot tub offers ample of health benefits too. With the high quality, safe and effective spa chemicals you can enhance your tub’s health benefits and keep it ever ready for use. To balance the hot tub’s alkalinity, pH Level and hardness choose the right chemicals and reduce the risk of algae, microbes and scales formation. 

Test water

Unclean and dirty water of the spa can cause skin diseases and will eventually reduce the efficiency and lifespan of your expensive spa.  As too much use of chemicals can also reduce the quality of the water hence before using any chemicals first use the test strip to check the alkalinity pH Level and sanitizer level.  Then add the right amount of the chemicals and sanitizer for disinfected, clear and smelling fresh. 

Read product details

Whether you are buying chemicals for your spa online or from physical store it is advisable to read the products details carefully and get relevant information such as method of use, concentration, expiry date, storage procedure, immediacy of effect, etc. for expected outcome. Filter is an important part of your spa and body oils, residue, dirt, dust and bacteria can significantly reduce the quality of water and overall performance of the hot tub. Hence choose best filter cleaning chemicals and enjoy your spa at its best.

Order conveniently

Today most of the customers prefer online shopping hence the reliable online spa stores offer wide range of chemicals for all purpose online. Consider certain aspects and then order conveniently

  • User friendly and informative interface
  • Competitive price
  • On time delivery of the products
  • Easy refund and exchange policy
  • Free shipment on certain condition
  • Efficient customer support