Can Chiropractors Help with Scoliosis?

Before we can describe scoliosis, two things must be understood. To begin, a scoliotic curve is any bend in your spine that is to the side, which is referred to as a lateral curve. The term refers to the curvature of the spine laterally, whether it is 3 degrees or 20 degrees. A scoliotic curve is distinct from the condition ‘scoliosis’ or ‘clinical scoliosis.’ Clinical scoliosis is most commonly diagnosed when the degree of bend surpasses roughly 12 degrees. This is when the curvature might start to impact bodily motions and posture, which may cause discomfort.

Scoliosis is classified into two types:

Scoliosis structural

Scoliosis induced by the form of bones is known as structural scoliosis. Some bones may be trapped on one side, causing the upper vertebrae to bend sideways. Chiropractic and other conservative techniques, such as osteopathy and physiotherapy, cannot treat this kind of scoliosis. Chiropractic, osteopathy, or physiotherapy may assist with the symptoms of structural scoliosis because it utilises a variety of treatments, which promote joint mobility and range of motion, which may help with discomfort. However, because we cannot modify the bones’ geometry, changing the spine’s alignment is extremely difficult.

Functional Scoliosis

A functional scoliosis is the other form of scoliosis. Conservative therapy, such as chiropractic, may help with this kind of scoliosis. Functional scoliosis occurs when your posture causes your spine to bend horizontally rather than wedge-shaped. This is commonly caused by years of practising an unbalanced activity. Asymmetrical activity is widely seen in the following situations:

  • Operating a manual gearbox on a machine or truck, making frequent use of a hard clutch.
  • Working at a workplace where the activity involves making a single movement from one side of the body to the other.
  • Participating in a sport that requires the repeated use of one side of the body over the other (such as badminton, where only one hand is needed).

How can chiropractic therapy treat scoliosis?

Chiropractors may assist with scoliosis by employing a variety of approaches to address various components of the condition, such as:

  • Spinal manipulation: A quick, sharp push to a specific portion of the spine to shift it in the direction where it is most constrained. This might be an excellent technique to improve the range of motion, which is commonly restricted in patients with scoliosis.
  • Soft tissue techniques or mobilisation: Mobilisation and soft tissue methods may help increase the range of motion.
  • Stretching and rehabilitation exercises: Another approach is to utilise particular, targeted rehabilitation exercises or stretches to assist your body in maintaining a correctly aligned position.

There are numerous varieties of scoliosis, which means there are different ways to treat it. A piece of standard advice for scoliosis is to get spinal x-rays to examine the angle of scoliosis and decide the best treatment method. If you suspect you have scoliosis, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your nearest healthcare provider for a consultation.