People often look for treatment when their eye conditions get worse. But some states are so bad that treatment might not significantly improve the situation quickly. In these cases, please contact or visit an optometrist in Melbourne immediately. Below are some of the common problems.
1. Presbyopia [vision-robbing]
The most common cause of vision loss in the United States is presbyopia. Presbyopia is when the eye does not change the focus on close objects. This happens because the eye lens gets progressively stiffer as we age.
2. Cataracts [cataract]
Most people think of cataracts as something that happens only to older adults and causes blindness, but younger people can get cataracts too. A cataract is caused by slowing protein synthesis and glucose uptake with age. It can also be caused by diabetes or a hereditary disease such as galactosemia.
3. Unexpected Eye Conditions [vision-robbing]
It’s not just the extensive vision-robbing conditions that cause vision loss. Many common eye conditions, like dry eyes and pink eye, can impair vision relatively quickly. When the ability to see is significantly impaired from some cause.
4. Refractive Errors [vision-robbing]
Many people have difficulty getting a clear vision from glasses and contacts. Prescription eyeglasses and contact lenses are designed to correct common refractive problems, including nearsightedness, astigmatism, and farsightedness.
5. Glare Sensitivity [vision-robbing]
Several factors, including cataracts, diabetes, or retinal detachment, can cause glare. It can cause blurred vision or glare that causes headaches or eye strain.
6. Colored Contacts [vision-robbing]
Although contact lenses are not prescribed as often as a decade ago, millions of people still wear them. Today, they are usually worn for looks and cosplay. One of the most popular types of contacts is colored contacts.
7. Amblyopia [vision-robbing]
Amblyopia means “dim eye” and is one of childhood’s most common treatable causes of vision loss. It is sometimes called lazy eye because it occurs when the brain fails to use one eye together with the other or favors one eye over the other.
8. Aging
Aging is a natural process, but it also exposes us to many ailments and vision-robbing conditions that people didn’t have in the past. All these factors combined can result in gradual vision loss for most people.
9. Nearsightedness [vision-robbing]
Nearsightedness is the most common refractive error and is characterized by poor vision at all distances, especially with near objects. The cornea and lens are typically too steep. Nearsightedness can be corrected with glasses or contacts. It can also be treated with a surgical procedure to flatten the cornea and lens.
Although most people are concerned about their nearsightedness problems when needing corrective eyeglasses, farsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia are common vision-robbing conditions. If you have one of these vision problems, consider considering seeing an optometrist in Melbourne to consult with them about your vision problem.