5 Facts about Human Papillomavirus (HPV) You Need to Know

Being sexually active has benefits and adverse consequences, including HPV. The worst part is that if you are sexually active, you will probably get HPV at some point in your life. Most Orlando HPV-reported cases include transmission through skin-to-skin sexual contact and sexual intercourse. If you are suspicious of the infection, do not worry because the introduction of vaccines has helped treat and prevent the transmission of HPV alarmingly. Although you may be familiar with HPV, there are many facts you need to know, including the following.

  1. Numerous People With HPV Do Not Show Symptoms

In most cases, it is difficult to determine if someone has HPV by evaluating for genital warts or looking at them. Numerous people display no signs of infection and may only become aware of the problem if they experience an abnormal Pap smear result. The signs and symptoms can be present on the penis, vulva, mouth, anus, and scrotum.

  1. You Can Get HPV without Sexual Intercourse

HPV can be transmitted through skin-to-skin sexual contact. However, this issue should not indicate that intercourse is the only transmission. In fact, the transmission does not require any form of penetration. Besides, any area not covered by a condom is not prone to HPV. Although in rare situations, the virus can be spread through oral sex.

  1. Diverse HPV Strains Cause Different Types of Cancer

In a group of 100 HPV strains, 12 strains are increasingly likely to cause cancer in some individuals. For instance, HPV 16 and 18 are assumed to contribute to 70% of cervical cancers, while the other five strains are connected to another 20% of cervical cancers. Some practitioners provide an HPV test together with a routine Pap smear test. The HPV test identifies highly risky strains of HPV in the cervix leading to cancer. On the other hand, the Pap test is designed to identify abnormal cells in the cervix.

  1. The HPV Vaccine Is Not Only for Kids

The HPV vaccine is massively effective for protecting individuals from cervical pre-cancers, genital warts, and anal and oropharyngeal cancer caused by HPV. Practitioners advise vaccination for girls and boys between 11 to 12 years and everyone above 26 years. If you are between 26 and 45 years, you should discuss your risks with your doctor to know if you are eligible for an HPV vaccine.

  1. HPV Has a Vaccine But No Cure

Usually, the types of the virus leading to genital warts and cervical cancer can be examined and managed but cured. Alternatively, your doctor can treat genital warts by removing them, although their removal does not guarantee a cure for the underlying virus. Although there are vaccines that can lower the risk of HPV in children, they are not sterilized and cannot neutralize the virus if you are already infected.

Are you sexually active and would like to undergo an HPV test? If yes, securing a comprehensive institution clinic might be complex. Luckily, Contemporary Women’s Care in Orlando, Florida, led by a group of skilled and certified specialists, is here for your help. The center offers comprehensive and exceptional testing and treating any HPV-related complications. Call or use their online platform today to book an appointment.