Unforeseen Indicators of Arthritis You Should Know

Experiencing joint pain is normal, particularly after a strenuous activity such as running or lifting. However, if the pain is persistent, it can be an early sign of arthritis. The types of lifestyle most individuals live have been putting them at greater risk of arthritis Rockville. If left untreated, arthritis can be a concern to your overall wellness. However, pain is not only a sign of the condition, as there are several other red flags. The following are unforeseen indicators of arthritis you should know.

Persistent Fatigue

Experiencing excessive fatigue can be an early symptom of arthritis. It is common to get tired occasionally, but persistent fatigue can suggest a deep-rooted fatigue that occurs even after having a good sleep at night. Extreme fatigue can arise from the combined effects of joint symptoms and inflammation. As a result, you are more susceptible to experiencing chronic fatigue with inflammatory arthritis like rheumatoid arthritis.

Joint Stiffness

Stiffness in your joints is a common early warning of arthritis. Standing for a long time can cause stiffness. Moreover, lying down or sitting for a long time can lead to joint stiffness. In some cases, the stiffness can disappear as you take a walk or when the joints have the opportunity to loosen up. The sluggish and slow-to-move begins in the morning and should be checked by your healthcare provider as it mostly indicates arthritis.

Joint Pain

Pain that persists after engaging in activities but fades after resting can be a symptom of arthritis, particularly osteoarthritis. Pain is a common complication in your joints when you have arthritis. The discomfort you experience may be subdivided into two groups; tenderness and pain. You may not always experience debilitating pain. You may suffer from tenderness or aches around your joints.

Limited Range of Motion

Usually, all symptoms of arthritis can reduce the ability to move normally. If you have knee arthritis, you may have trouble when squatting or jumping. Moving the joints leads to a vicious cycle which leads to stiffness and pain. Luckily, there are effective range-of-motion exercises you can embrace to enable your joints to get flexible and stronger. The more you do them, the more likely the range of motion may increase with time.

Red, Warm Skin

The healing process involves sending blood to the injured region since it carries essential growth factors and other healing components. Unfortunately, these properties are responsible for instant swelling when spraining your ankle or cutting your finger. Some common signs of chronic swelling include warm and red skin when touched. If it persists, it may indicate a fungal or bacterial infection. 


Fever is another common early symptom of arthritis. Fever occurs when your body’s temperature increases to fight infection or other inflammatory forms of arthritis. Usually, most healthcare physicians underestimate it as a sign of rheumatoid arthritis. This arthritis can impact several organs and lead to widespread inflammation-causing recurrent and low-grade fevers.

Living with untreated arthritis can be a nightmare for your well being due to the pain and limited mobility. Thus, carrying out your normal activities, such as walking or lifting, becomes extremely difficult. It is encouraged to contact your healthcare provider immediately if you have persistent fatigue, fever, stiffness, and pain in your joints. The specialists can recommend effective medication and range-of-motion exercises to manage your arthritis.