Best Practices for Virtual Visits/Telehealth Visit are important to the success and efficiency of your medical practice. The concept that “the more the better” applies in the arena of healthcare management and care delivery is also applicable to the virtual visits and telemedicine. When a patient who has a chronic condition or illness requiring hospitalization contacts you for a medical visit, one of the most critical aspects of the visit is the follow up care. You have a duty to provide your patient with the best possible follow up care, whether this involves a telephone call, an in-person visit, or other modes of contact such as email or text messaging.
A key consideration in patient follow up is the ability to manage privacy and security issues. In this day and age, healthcare providers are required by law to protect the privacy and confidentiality of a patient’s medical records. One way to ensure your patient’s privacy and security is through HIPAA compliance, which established guidelines for how healthcare providers maintain protected health information. HIPAA encourages healthcare providers to use secure channels when communicating with a patient. Best practices for virtual visits or telemedicine help you accomplish this goal while providing your patient with the ability to manage his or her own healthcare details.