Monday, September 9, 2024
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If you are a dog owner in Ontario, the health of your dog is probably something that you are always conscious about. If the immune system of a dog is malfunctioning, it can let in a host of diseases, such as diabetes, an infection, cancer, and osteoarthritis. 

If you keep your dog’s immune system balanced, it can minimize such risks and improve overall health. The immune system is like a 24/7 housekeeper. It identifies potentially harmful pathogens such as viruses, parasites, bacteria, and fungi, then works to eliminate them before they cause harm.

And the immune system of a dog does cell monitoring to make sure they are working correctly. When the system gets compromised, your dog becomes quite vulnerable to illness. If the immune system stays like that for an extended period, it can result in chronic inflammation, which then creates a path for disease.

Osteoarthritis, diabetes, some heart and liver conditions, cancer, and asthma are just some of the diseases associated with inflammation. If your dog unfortunately falls ill, it is suggested to take your pet to an animal hospital in Kitchener before it gets worse.

Natural Ways to Strengthen the Immune System

The good news is there are specific natural and simple ways through which you can improve the immunity of your dog, and we are going to have a look at some of them in this blog.

Encourage Your Dog’s Innate Love For Play

If your dog stays fit, it will boost immunity and keep the immune system in good shape. Storing excess fat does weaken the immune system. Fat is essentially the largest endocrine gland in the body and is responsible for the secretion of over 40 different hormones that promote inflammation.

Even the smallest amount of excess fat can increase the amount of these hormones in the body, eventually resulting in a disease.

Dogs are known to be naturally active, so ample play and exercise are vital for their health. However, exercise needs to be more fun than a daily chore.

Feed The Right Food to Your Dog

The diet of your dog is essentially the basis of good immune health. The gut comprises approximately 70 percent of the immune system. It contains microbiomes (the collection of hundreds of bacteria species), and the balance of bacteria is significantly influenced by diet.

The commercial dry foods that we serve dogs contain a minimum of 40 percent starch. Starches are a problem because they promote inflammation. A starch-free (if possible), grain-free diet that includes some fresh vegetables and meat is recommended, too.

A diet that consists of an adequate amount of good fiber and live bacteria from fresh foods is vital to maintain a healthy microbiome. It is not like a general nutrition diet will cater to the needs of every dog. Thus, the best way to make sure that your dog is eating an optimal diet that strengthens the immune system is by consulting with a vet.

Food to Your Dog

Consider Certain Supplements For Your Dog

To maximize the immune system’s effectiveness, you may take supplementing the diet of your dog with certain nutrients into consideration. However, buying a supplement for every possible condition is not advised.

The supplements recommended are probiotics, which are fancied because they introduce beneficial microorganisms into the digestive tract. Some other recommended supplements are curcumin and fish oil.

Do keep in mind that not all brands are created equally. Thus, you need to beware as a buyer because certain studies have found that some supplements do not contain what was mentioned on the label.

Role of a Veterinarian in Your Dog’s Overall Well-Being!

Nobody wants their dog to suffer from severe health problems. A lot of diseases are preventable and manageable if they are identified at an early stage. Thus, it is highly recommended to regularly visit a vet to ensure that your dog stays healthy.

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