Many individuals, when they hear the words “tooth extraction,” imagine a painful and invasive medical operation. Having a tooth extracted, however, is a procedure that is far less traumatic than most people think it will be. Furthermore, there are situations in which it can significantly enhance long-term oral health. Dr. Scott Young says that the majority of the extractions they undertake are for the sake of their patients’ jaw health and the preservation of their natural teeth. Let’s go over the potential causes of the need for tooth extraction before you go through with it.
Impaction of Teeth
When one tooth’s growth forces it to grow into or against an adjacent tooth, this is called impaction. Since the impacted tooth is more prone to infection as a result of the pressure, the gums may become bloody, painful, swollen, or red. Patients typically complain of jaw swelling, discomfort, and restricted mouth movement.
Wisdom teeth are most commonly to blame for impaction since they erupt impacted because they cannot erupt straight. There is a high risk of damage to the other teeth if you wait to get your wisdom teeth out after this occurs.
Dental Trauma
Due to their vulnerability, teeth are often the first body parts to suffer damage during an accident. Teeth injury, whether from an automobile collision or a baseball bat, is unpleasant and challenging to repair. An infected or otherwise compromised tooth might lead to further dental issues. In some cases, a speedy extraction might help patients get better sooner.
Unfortunately, overcrowding is a common result of tooth impaction and can be just as excruciating. It can also cause teeth that were previously aligned and straight to shift out of place. Fortunately, all of these issues can be avoided by extracting teeth to make room in the mouth. The removal of a single tooth may free up enough room in the jaws to ensure that the remaining teeth can erupt into their ideal positions.
Gum Disease
Built-up tartar and plaque are major contributors to periodontal disease, often known as gum disease. The most prevalent gum diseases are periodontitis and gingivitis, although there are many others. Comparing inflammation of tissues and bones with inflammation of the gums around your teeth reveals that the latter condition is more common. If the bone, gums, or tissues around your tooth continue to degenerate, it may be time to extract the inflamed tooth.
Tooth Decay
Plaque and tartar accumulation lead to gum disease and, in turn, tooth decay. Such buildup on the teeth can cause the enamel to become thin and fragile. There’s a chance you’ll get an infection, which can cause redness, swelling, and excruciating agony. Possible solutions include extracting the infected tooth and replacing it with a bridge.
When you learn you need a tooth pulled, it is natural to experience some apprehension. Don’t let the complexity of the operation put you off. It is actually quite simple and will pay dividends in terms of your oral health for years to come. Please visit or book an online consultation with Scott Young, DDS if you suffer from any of the aforementioned problems or believe you may need a tooth extraction for any other reason.