Nerve Blocks for Pain Relief

Nerve blocks are an effective treatment option for pain relief. The nerve blocks work by numbing the affected area, which can significantly relieve pain. Nerve blocks can be used to treat a variety of conditions. Nerve block Houston is mostly an outpatient procedure.

A local anesthetic can be injected into the area around the nerve, causing pain. The anesthesia will numb the area and provide relief from pain. Nerve blocks can provide significant pain relief and are a safe and effective treatment option.

Types of nerve blocks

There are a variety of nerve blocks that can be used to treat different conditions. The most common types of nerve blocks are:

  • Facet joint injections: These injections treat pain in the facet joints. The facet joints are located in the spine and are responsible for the spine’s movement.
  • Epidural injections treat pain in the lower back, legs, and arms. Epidural injections are usually used to treat pain caused by herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, or pinched nerves.
  • Trigger point injections: This injection is used to treat muscle pain. You can have trigger point injections in any muscle that is causing pain. The most common muscles that are injected are the neck, shoulders, and back.
  • Selective nerve root block: This injection is used to treat pain radiating from the spine into the arms or legs. A selective nerve root block can relieve pain and help improve mobility.
  • Intravenous regional blocks: This injection treats pain in the arms or legs. Intravenous regional blocks can provide relief from pain and help improve mobility.

How long does a nerve block last?

The length of time a nerve block lasts will depend on the type of nerve block performed. Selective nerve root blocks and intravenous regional blocks can last several hours to days. Facet joint injections and trigger point injections usually last for several months. Epidural injections can last for several weeks to months.

Find below a detailed breakdown of the conditions that can be treated with a nerve block, including:

Arthritis pain

Arthritis is a condition that causes inflammation and pain in the joints. This condition is most common and can be effectively treated with nerve blocks. Nerve blocks can help to relieve pain by numbing the affected area.

Chronic pain

Chronic pain lasts for more than three months. Chronic pain can be caused by various conditions, including arthritis, nerve damage, and fibromyalgia. You may find relief with a nerve block if you suffer from this condition.

Migraine headaches

Migraine headaches are a type of headache that is characterized by severe pain, nausea, and sensitivity to light. Nerve blocks can be used to treat migraines by numbing the nerves that are causing pain.

Postoperative pain

Postoperative pain is a common type of pain that is experienced after surgery. Nerve blocks can be used to treat this pain by numbing the nerves that are causing pain.

If you are suffering from any of the conditions listed above, contact your pain specialist at Houston Pain Specialists to see if a nerve block is right for you.