How to Overcome Gum Disease

Despite the continued sensitization on the importance of good oral hygiene, gum disease cases remain high. Although gingivitis is often reversible, untreated gum disease can result in severe complications, including damage to your oral tissues and teeth. No matter how intense gum disease Richmond is, you can count on Dr. Carrillo to offer treatment to restore your oral health.

What you should know about gum disease

Many people often invest their time and energy in ensuring the health of their teeth, forgetting that their oral tissues and gums are equally important and require the same attention. Neglecting the health of your gums can result in gum disease. Although most of the effects resulting from this disease are reversible, severe gum disease can lead to irreversible tooth and tissue damage. Mild gum disease is medically known as gingivitis. It results in pain and swelling in your gums, and if left untreated, it can advance into periodontitis. Periodontitis attacks the bone supporting your teeth, increasing your risk of tooth loss. Gum disease is often due to poor oral hygiene, meaning that thorough flossing and brushing can prevent and reverse the effects.

Symptoms associated with gum disease

Gum disorder is a progressive disorder whose symptoms develop and worsen gradually. However, some people may have gum disease with painless symptoms even during the advanced stages. While the symptoms may be subtle, periodontitis doesn’t go without a few warning signs. Symptoms of gum disease include bleeding gums during brushing or flossing, persistent bad breath, receding gums, shifting or losing teeth, and red, swollen gums. Dr. Carrillo recommends regular dental visits to help your provider detect and treat gum disease before it causes further damage.

Available treatments for gum disease

During your dental exam, Dr. Carrillo and his team may examine your teeth and discuss your symptoms. They may check for gum bleeding, firmness or swelling, teeth sensitivity and movement, and assess the health of your jawbone. Gum disease is not a disorder you can wish away or treat with a “magic bullet.” Your dentist may suggest several treatment options which focus on treating infection or inflammation while preventing the recurrence of the disease. The team may recommend root planning or scaling to eliminate any food and bacteria you are your gums. Dr. Carrillo uses dental tools to remove plaque, tartar, and other debris beneath your gum line and other hard-to-reach areas. If you have a broken or damaged bridge or crown, your provider may recommend restoration to restore your dental health and smile aesthetics. In severe cases, Dr. Carrillo may recommend surgical restoration of your jawbone or gums. He uses bone or soft tissue grafting to restore the damaged tissue during the procedure.

How to prevent gum disease

With proper plaque control, you can prevent or reverse gingivitis. Good plaque control involves routine professional dental cleanings twice a year and flossing and brushing daily. Your provider may recommend using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste to prevent hurting your gums. You may also need to replace your toothbrush after every three months, as worn-out toothbrushes may not clean well.

Call Dr. Carrillo or schedule an appointment online for more information about gum disease treatments.