Thursday, September 12, 2024
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Lap-Band surgery and gastric bypass surgery, are two of the most significant medical advancements when it comes to the treatment of obesity or excess body weight and both are considered as safest procedures. However, for those candidates who are wishing to undergo weight loss surgery, it is essential to know the differences between both the gastric bypass surgery and Lap-Band surgery.

Gastric Bypass surgery:

In a Gastric Bypass surgery, surgeons staple the stomach of the patient to form a pouch that in Lap-Band surgery a ring is used to do. They then take a part of the intestines and attach them to the pouch created, which makes the leftover part of the intestines and the stomach to bypass. In all, now the stomach and intestines are no longer a part of the digestive tract. This result, just as in Lap-Band surgery, is the stomach that can only hold a small portion of food. This will make the patient feel full quicker and thus results in the absorption of fewer calories.

Lap-Band Surgery:

Lap Band has an inflatable ring that is being placed at the top of the patient’s stomach, which makes it adjustable. The ring reduces the patient’s appetite by making him/her feel fuller quickly and helps to initiate the weight loss process by closing the off part of the patient’s stomach and making a small pouch that can only hold only 30 ml of food in it. This further results in the patient eating less as the stomach can now hold less food.

The lap-band procedure is minimally invasive as it is done laparoscopically where there is no stapling and no cutting involved. The feeling of fullness which is achieved with the help of the lap band is similar to that in gastric bypass, but here the small inflatable ring is responsible rather than stapling of the stomach.

The above differences will help you choose the surgery that suits your needs and requirement. It will also give you a sense of understanding about the procedures of each surgery that will help you determine its effects. Connect with an expert bariatric surgeon to get a better understanding about them.