Bone Grafting

What is bone grafting? When is bone grafting required? How long does a bone graft take to heal? Dental implants are the best and most suitable dental option to replace lost teeth. Implant placement requires conditions, one of the most important of which is an acceptable amount of bone density to hold the implant in the gums. Tooth loss and emptying its place in the gums cause the jawbone to weaken after a while because there is no more stimulation and pressure in the area of ​​the lost tooth. It is a natural reaction of the body. Other factors such as accident and injury, genetics, disease, etc. may also cause bone loss or even tooth loss due to poor bone density. In these cases, bone grafting is the only solution.

Bone loss makes it impossible to maintain and support new artificial teeth. Replacing a missing tooth requires adequate bone density to hold the replacement tooth in its place. The base of the implant is held in place by the surrounding bone tissue. It is a significant step in dental implants. By placing the implant in the gums, the necessary stimulation for bone regeneration is provided. In cases where the patient does not have the appropriate bone density to hold the implant, to correct the deficiency, bone grafting in Toronto is recommended before or during the dental implant surgery.

The Time Required for Recovery after a Bone Grafting

Bone extraction should be done in strict accordance with hygienic and professional principles to reduce the risk of injury. After the bone grafting, depending on the patient’s health condition and physical condition, the healing period is 4 to 9 months to let the bone regenerate and be ready for implant placement.

Steps of Bone Grafting for Dental Implants

– Examination of the patient’s gums and teeth

– Identifying the affected area for bone grafting

– Determining how much bone is required and what type of bone grafting is needed

– Specifying the method and location of bone graft extraction

– Extract bone from the designated site

– Administering local anesthesia

– Cutting the bone into pieces to match the size of desired site

– Holding the bone in place using pins, plates or screws, and wires

– Suture and bandage the wound after bone grafting. If necessary, a splint is used during the healing period.

Care after a Bone Grafting Procedure

– Avoid touching the wound after the bone grafting

– Avoid rinsing your mouth

– Avoid spitting for 24 hours after the bone grafting to prevent re-bleeding of the wound

– Avoid smoking after the bone grafting

– Do not use straws for drinking after bone grafting. It is highly recommended.

– Take prescribed medications after bone grafting as directed by your dentist.

The full recovery period after bone grafting depends on the patient’s state of health and the degree of bone loss. If the body does not produce the amount of bone needed for a dental implant during the healing period, more bone grafting will be required.